Put in the correct conjunction.

1. We wanted tickets for the musical they were sold out. (or/but)
2. she had helped her mother, she met her friends. (after/or)
3. She went to the cinema with Jake she didn´t like the film. (although/until)
4. We can go to the park to a museum. (or/but)
5. Grandma can´t visit us she is ill. (while/because)
6. The Browns are leaving on Saturday they can´t come. (after/so)
7. I was doing my homework, my mobile rang. (and/while)
8. I´ll call you I have time. (as soon as/so)
9. I´m sure it´ll stop raining the bus comes. (but/when)
10. I´ll wait with you the bus comes. (until/while)