There is there are rules, examples

There is there are

There is and there are means something exists.

There is singular

Use "there is" (there's) for a noun - singular.

Example: There is a mouse in the bag.

There are plural

Use "there is" (there's) for a noun - plural.

Example: There are four girls in a team.

Place there is and there are at the start of a sentence.

there's -  contraction

The contraction of there is is there's. There is no short form for there are!

Negative form - there is / there are

There is a car. There isn't a car.
There are four balls. There aren't four balls.

Questions there is / there are

Statement: There is a book on the table.
Question:  Is there a book on the table?

Statement: There are books on the table.
QuestionAre there books on the table?

There is there are examples

There is there are with explanations, examples and exercises. Change the following sentences into there is there are and learn with English online exercises.

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